Currently “Doing Business As” Permion Government.
Permion Government seeks to realize the potential of Deep Technologies for DoD/IC dominance in all knowledge intensive competitions. Our team is composed of recognized experts in deep technologies development, maturation, insertion, test and certification into DoD/IC platforms, systems, and applications.
Permion’s AI Cognitive Platform core is a virtual Instruction Set Architecture, based on X-Machines Theory that offers open modular architecture with superlative knowledge graph AI/ML processing. This new engine, compiler, and runtime platform is embeddable at the tactical edge or in the cloud. It enables fast and robust development of enhanced capabilities that include smart data collection, measurably secure communications for data in motion and at rest, advanced graph analytics, and Command and Control.
Digital Subject Matter Expert (DSME) is our revolutionary analytical capability, based on Data-Oriented Computing (DOC) design foundation, which enables the type and shape of data define how computing is performed, rather than manipulated to fit a pre-determined algorithm. Therefore, it is ideally suited to working with data collections, or analysis at the points of collection, with warehousing technologies such as SQL, NoSQL, Titan Graph, and NEO4J.
Initially developed for comprehensive situational awareness of U.S. or adversary Science and Technology (S&T) development activities to prevent strategic technology surprise. DSME is language agnostic and has been used to analyze Chinese, Russian, and Arabic S&T journals.
Key capability is automation of ontology development, a manpower-intensive process by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Enables analysts to improve reporting and productivity by writing better interactive reports faster that link to evidence.
DSME merges generative AI LLMs with any source data set for re-usable digital AI SMEs “in a box” (no Internet needed). Packaged, standalone, U.S. made, generates summaries, answers questions, zero hallucinations, and 100% traceable to source. Compression with fidelity to client needs, for portability and scalability to customer private data sources.